Selected Publications & Presentations
Co-Author, “USA Oil & Gas Regulation,” International Comparative Law Guides (annual editions, 2011 - 2019).
Speaker, "Navigating Floating LNG Contract Complexities," 11th Annual FLNG Conference, London, September 7, 2016.
Author, "Mexican Energy - Has Mexico Finally Got It Right?" Financier Worldwide Global Reference Guide 2011: Energy & Utilities.
Speaker, "International Law: Practical, Ethical and Cultural Challenges," Colorado Association of Corporate Counsel: Managing Non-US Attorneys in International Transactions, Denver, Colorado, March 16, 2011.
Author, “Project Financing of Cross-Border Pipelines,” Chapter 24, Energy and Environmental Law and Taxation, Oxford University Press (2010).
Author, "Green is the Color of Federal Energy Spending in the 2010 Budget," Texas Lawyer/Energy Lawyer, May 2009.
Author, "Hedging Gas Supply Risks: Are LNG Terminals the Answer?" Bloomberg European Law Journal, November 2008.
Author, "LNG Sales and Shipping: The Evolution of Delivery Terms from the Empirical to the Existential," 2 Texas Journal of Oil, Gas & Energy Law 35 (2007).
Speaker, "International Mergers and Acquisitions: The Method,” Symposium, Center for American & International Law. Dallas, June 27, 2006.
Speaker, "To Arbitrate or Not to Arbitrate…That is the Question," 28th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute, Houston, April 6, 2006.
Speaker, “Supply Security, Price, Terminal Growth and Off-Take,” Platts 5th Annual Liquefied Natural Gas Conference, May 18, 2006.
Lecturer, General Counsel’s Roundtable, Stanford University CRGP, February 10, 2006.
Luncheon Speaker, "LNG: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow," Platt's 4th Annual LNG Conference, Houston, May 12, 2005.
Author, "Contracting Practices for the New 'Global' LNG Trade," Oil & Gas Journal, LNG Observer, May 2005.
Speaker, "The Latest Contracting Practices for a More Flexible LNG Trade," GASTECH 2005, Bilbao, March 16, 2005.
Author, “The Hackberry LNG Decision, LNG Regulation: A Recent History,” Energy Markets, October 2004.
Author, “The International Lawyer as Conductor of the Global Symphony,” Chapter 3, Careers in International Law, American Bar Association (2001).
Organizer, Script Writer and Moderator for a series of programs entitled "Mock LNG Negotiations and Dispute Resolution," at the AIPN 1997 Fall Conference, Kuala Lumpur, September 16, 1997; the ABA Spring Meeting, New Orleans, 1998; and the AIPN 1998 Fall Conference, London, September 15, 1998.
Speaker, "Arbitrating Technology Disputes," Houston International Law Symposium, February 22-23, 1996.
Author, “Privatization of the Mexican Banking System: Quetzalcoatl and the Bankers,” 23 St. Mary’s Law Journal 753 (1992). `
Co-Author and chief lobbyist for the successful passage of the Texas Foreign Bank Agency Act, 1985.
Co-Author, “Texas as an International Banking Centre,” Chapter 19, International Banking Centres, Euromoney Publications (1982).
Author, “Are Government Bodies Bound by Arbitration Agreements” 22 The Arbitration Journal (Dispute Resolution Journal) 151 (1967). An AAA Eastman Arbitration Library Prize-Winning Essay.